Six Things Real Estate Agents Do

Most people think Real Estate Agents have a pretty cruisey life. They drink coffee, stroll through peoples houses and roll about in cold hard cash. While the coffee thing is pretty accurate, we do a whole lot more to earn our pay. So I thought it might be fun to see what we actually do.

We’re Communicators: A good agent will always listen to their client as we sometimes only meet or talk briefly, so we have to ask smart questions and really listen to your answers. This will help us understand what you expect from us as your agent and what you need from the sale or purchase of your property.

We’re Problem Solvers: Not everything runs smoothly all of the time. Life will sometimes throw a few bumps and curves in the road, and we must use our problem-solving skills to overcome them and keep moving forward. We do a lot of behind the scenes stress management, so you don’t have to feel stressed – hence the abundance of coffee.

We’re Content Creators: To sell your home, we must create engaging content and beautiful imagery to promote your property. We will try different techniques and continually look at new ways to attract the right type of attention to your property’s advertising.

We’re Educators: We do this for a living, but the average person will generally only buy and sell maybe once or twice in their lifetime. This is why we educate our clients of the buying and selling process, what to expect, the legalities and all the ins and outs. We help with the negotiating, the contracts, the settlement process and reports.

We’re Networkers: Buyers and sellers don’t just fall at our feet, especially when we are starting out. We have to work hard to get our face and name out there. We have to earn peoples trust. We have to make ourselves known. We have to be seen and to do these things we have to “canvas” people. We network with people from all walks of life and in many ways. Whether that be knocking on doors, delivering letters or socialising at business events. Networking comes in many forms!

We’re Administrators: Paperwork! There is SO much paperwork, but it has to be done, and it has to be done correctly. Every “i” dotted and “t” crossed. It needs to legible, which can be tricky when things these days are emailed/scanned/emailed/scanned back and forth a gazillion times – things can get a little blurry.

So there you go. Six things we do but this doesn’t even touch the surface of what we invest in our industry each and every day. We are also negotiators, appraisers, researchers, coordinators, self-improvement investors, conflict managers, gardeners, cleaners, diplomats, junk mail collectors, dog whisperers, sponsors, gift-givers, graphic designers, translators, rollercoaster riders, body language experts, award winners, go-getters, leaders and professionals. But above all else, we are humans with feelings and all. And that is a true story!

Our passion involves making other peoples home owning + selling dreams come true. So trust me when I say we do a little happy “sold” dance when we make a sale because we are happy for you and it means we have done our J.O.B! Yes! Our job!

We, at the Geraldton Property Team, are committed to our real estate industry and we love what we do! This way you are not just employing a run-of-the-mill person to sell your house or a stranger to help you purchase a new one you are employing a skilled team who work together to get you the best result!

Let us know if we can help!

Geraldton Geraldton Real Estate Real Estate
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